Build an Ajax-enabled Django widget


In this article I go over the full build out of an ajax-enabled Django widget. Although I will walk through all of the steps necessary to create this widget, this article does assume you have at least some understanding of Django, ajax, and JavaScript.
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It seems like at least every other project I work on could benefit from some ajax-enabled control, and Django doesn’t have an out-of-the-box solution for this. As a result, I find myself building some permutation of an ajax-widget every couple of months. So I’ve decided to write a guide to developing these widgets in case anyone else out there routinely bumps into this problem.
You can clone the repo for this and other (future) tutorials over from our Bitbucket. For the purposes of this tutorial, all of the code we will cover is under the ajax_widget app.

Use Case

Ajax-enabled controls generally help to lower the complexity of user workflows. Also, they tend to offer a more seamless and performant user experience. This is due to the fact that ajax-enabled controls are able to request data on their own and don’t require a full page-refresh from the server. Consider that you have a view with a text field and a select list. What you’re trying to build is when the user enters data into the text field, the options available in the select list change. In this case, the text field is going to act not just as a simple filter, but will act as the only mechanism by which options will be available to the user. What this means is that the initial state of the select list will be empty. The current Django way of handling this is to add the fields to your form and make the select list not required. You will need to create branching logic in your view to handle the two different scenarios: a) when the user has only submitted a search, and, b) when the user has submitted a selection from the select list. For option a), you will need to gather the results and pass them back down into context with your render. For option b), you will need to validate the selection and commit any changes. Using an ajax-enabled control here allows us to have a single scenario within the context of our form: case b) from above.


An ajax-enabled Django widget is comprised of several different elements: widget, ajax view, form, javascript, widget template, view template, and finally the user-facing view. It sounds complicated, but really we’re mostly just concerned with the widget, ajax view and javascript– all the other components are pretty standard Django. We are building a search field control that will query our application for a list of users where their username contains our search term.

The Widget

A widget serves as a way to combine template and media elements. Thus, our widget is, at its most basic, just a way to tell Django which presentation elements to use to display a field. Here’s the code:
class AjaxSearchListField(forms.widgets.TextInput):
    template_name = 'ajax_search_list.html'
    _widget_js = [
        'js/jquery.js', # This comes from django-jquery package
        'js/ajax/init.js', # This is boilerplate code from Django

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        attrs = kwargs.pop('attrs')
        # include any additional js for widget
        self._widget_js += attrs.pop('widget_js', [])
        kwargs['attrs'] = attrs
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def media(self):
        return forms.Media(js=self._widget_js)
As you can see, the only really interesting piece here is what we’re doing in init. Even then, once you take a look at it you’ll notice that we’re simply using the init to optionally add more javascript includes to our widget. Later, the mediaproperty will be used by Django to include any css or javascript for the ajax-enabled django widget.

The Form

Our user search view has a couple of fields. The first is the ajax enabled search_field. Next is selected_userswhich gets updated by the ajax field. It’s pretty simple and the only outstanding part of it is the attributes we pass into the ajax-enabled Django widget.
class SelectUserForm(forms.Form):
    search_field = forms.CharField(
            'data-field-name': 'selected_users',
            'data_field_name': 'selected_users',
            'data-option-function': 'createUserOption',
            'data_ajax_url': 'get_user_list',
            'widget_js': (
    selected_users = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
So what are all of these attributes used for, if not directly in the widget class? The attributes are used in the JavaScript and HTML Template for the widget. If you think of a widget simply as a collection of JS and HTML templates, then this makes a lot of sense. So, the attributes that we have are data-field-name, data_field_name, data-option-function, data_ajax_url, widget_js.
  • data-field-name is an attribute which is unpacked directly in our html template and attached to our search field input as a data attribute.
  • data_field_name shadows the attribute above, but is more accessible in the template since we cannot have field names in a template that have hyphens in them. This is kind of a work-around but I haven’t found a cleaner way to do it.
  • data-option-function is the name of the function we will call to pass each result from our ajax request into. This function will then render the result somewhere.
  • data_ajax_url is the url we issue our ajax query to; it gets remapped to the data-widget-ajax-urlattribute of our search field.
  • widget_js is an iterable of additional JavaScript includes that our widget should import. In this case, it imports the script which has our option rendering function.

The JavaScript

We have three JavaScript includes for our ajax-enabled Django widget. One of them, init.js is more or less boilerplate pulled from the Django website– you can find it here. Next, we have searchListField.js and createUserOption.js. The former script is our main widget JS and the latter provides a way for our ajax results to be rendered. Let’s first take a look at searchListField.js.


function ajaxSearch(e) {
    var url = $(this).data('widget-ajax-url');
    var field = $(this).data('field-name');
    var opt = window[$(this).data('option-function')];
    var post = {};
    var fieldName =;
    post[fieldName] = $(this).val();
    var target = $(this).siblings('.widget-ajax-results');
    // remove existing selections
    // add new options
    $.post(url, post, function(options) {
        options.forEach(function(option, idx) {
            opt(option, idx, field, target);
    }, 'json');

function checkEnter(event) {
    if (event.key === 'Enter') {

$(document).ready(function() {
    var search = $('.widget-ajax-search-text-field');
    search.on('blur', ajaxSearch);
    search.on('keydown', checkEnter);
There is a bit to go over here. The first thing we do is to prevent this function from submitting post data (performing the default action of the form). After that, we pull our previously mentioned data attributes from our search field: widget-ajax-url, field-name, option-function (Notice that when we set these attributes, they had a prefix of data- but now each of these has had the data- prefix removed. This is a feature of jQuery and you can see more about it here). Next, we find and clear out our results target. After that, we post our query to widget-ajax-url. That request will return a json string of results. Notice the final argument to our $.post(...) method: 'json'. This tells jQuery that we expect the results to be json, so it will automatically parse them for us. The next part of our script acts as a way to run the search when the user presses the Enter key in our search field:
function checkEnter(event) {
    if (event.key === 'Enter') {
Finally, we will bind some functions to our event handlers for our ajax-enabled search fields:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var search = $('.widget-ajax-search-text-field');
    search.on('blur', ajaxSearch);
    search.on('keydown', checkEnter);
Within our post, each result is handed to our option-function, which will then render it to our document. Now would be a good time to take a look at that option function, so here’s createUserOption.js:


function createUserOption(item, id, field, target) {
    var layout = $('<div>', {class: 'form-row field-' + field})
        .append($('<div>', {class: 'checkbox-row widget-ajax-' + field + '-checkbox'}));
    var checkbox_id = 'id_' + field + '_' + id.toString();
    var input = $('<input>', {
        type: 'checkbox',
        name: field,
        id: checkbox_id,
        checked: true,
    }).css('display', true);
    var label = $('<label>', {
        for: checkbox_id,
        text: item.label,
        class: 'vCheckboxLabel'
This code is a little more direct than our search js script. Basically, we unpack the item from the json (which is an id and label field) into a checkbox field. We then append the styled checkbox to the target passed from searchListField.js.

The Views

Our plan is to have a control that when changed will update the data available to another control. In order for any ajax-enabled Django widget to get data from the backend, we will need to issue a request to our Django application and receive a response with desired results. In our case, we are going to issue a request with a query (our search term) and receive a json result. Here’s our ajax view:
def get_user_list(request):
    if not request.is_ajax():
        return HttpResponse(status=404)
    query = request.POST.get('search_field')
    results = [
        {'id':, 'label': u.username}
        for u in User.objects.filter(username__icontains=query)
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results))
First, you will notice that we are ensuring that this is an ajax request. The purpose for this is simply to say that we don’t want users issuing requests to this directly and is only intended to be consumed by our front-end. It’s not necessary, but I think it’s a nice Django feature to highlight here. This view filters our User instance list and then turns that result set into a json string. We are only interested in getting the id and username fields from our models as these will be used to produce a value and label on the front end control side. Our second view will be the one that the user directly interacts with, the User Search view. It’s a more or less standard Django view with a form (we’ll get into the details of the form later). The user search view:
def user_search_view(request):
    _form = forms.SelectUserForm
    form = _form()
    context = {}
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = _form(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            search = form.cleaned_data.get('search_field')
            selected_users = form.cleaned_data.get('selected_users')
                'search': search,
                'selected_users': selected_users,
    context.update({'form': form})
    return render(request, 'select_user_form.html', context=context)
This view is pretty simplistic. First, we initialize an empty instance of our form. Then, it takes any selected users from the form and pushes them into our template context. This view just demonstrates the usage of the ajax-enabled Django widget, so this isn’t intended to be representative of how best to design a Django view.

The Templates

Templates tie together the JavaScript and Python parts of our ajax-enabled Django widget and we have two of them. One template renders the user search form and the other template renders our ajax control. We’ll take a look at the user search form template (select_user_form.html) first:
{% extends 'admin/base_site.html' %}
{% load static %}
{% block extrahead %}
    {{ block.super }}
    {{ }}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<form method="post">
    {% csrf_token %}
        Press enter or tab to perform search
        {{ form.search_field.errors }}
        <label for="{{ form.search_field.id_for_label }}">Select Users</label>
        {{ form.search_field }}
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    {% if selected_users %}
    <h3>You selected:</h3>
        {% for user in selected_users %}
        <li>{{ user }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}
For the sake of this example, I decided to just extend the base admin site template. The two most important things we introduce on this template are the call to {{ }} and then the call to {% csrf_token %}. Respectively, these will output includes to our JavaScript and include the csrf_token which we will need for making ajax requests. Other than that, this template is pretty simple. We render the form like a typical form, and output selected users if there are any. Let’s take a look at the widget template (ajax_search_list.html):
{% load static %}
<div class='widget-ajax-control' style='display: inline;'>
    <input class='widget-ajax-search-text-field'
           data-widget-ajax-url="{% for name, value in widget.attrs.items %}{% if name == 'data_ajax_url' %}{% url value %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
           type="{{ widget.type }}"
           name="{{ }}"
            {% if widget.value != None %} value="{{ widget.value }}"{% endif %}
            {% include "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html" %}
    {% for field in form %}
        <li>{{ }} - {{ widget.attrs.data_field_name }}</li>
        {%  if name == widget.attrs.data_field_name %}
            {{ value.errors }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    <div class='widget-ajax-results results'></div>
This template is perhaps a little more dense. All that is really going on here is we loop over the attributes passed in from our widget class and then pass those attributes down into the html elements we create. This is the part that allows us to configure the rendered HTML control from the intialized widget on the Python side. You’ll notice that this template includes the <div> at the bottom for widget-ajax-results. This div is what will receive our results from our Ajax request. You can see how we target this div (referred to as target on the JavaScript side). This is done by looking for a sibling element to the search field with the class of widget-ajax-results. In this way, we are allowed to have more than one of these widgets in the same form, and they should only update their own result div.


In reality, the concepts behind an ajax-enabled Django form control are pretty simple. The idea that the user interacts with a control, an ajax request is issued, some data is updated, isn’t all that advanced or difficult to think about. Trying to do this in a “Django-ish” way, however, proves to require quite a bit more tooling. I would love to hear feedback on this topic as I would like to keep this article as updated as possible. Please let me know in the comments if I’m missing anything or glossed over any pieces of information. Thank you for reading. I hope this article has given you a better framework to work within the Django context.